Distance ♥
홈 소유자

Hi ! I am Nurul Hidaya and Im sixteen this year ! Enjoy yourself while reading my diary maybe ;)

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Hey , I got my new life :)
Sunday, 30 October 2011 | 04:14 | 0 comments

Hey guys , apa buad ? Belogwalking ? Tau dah :P
Hoho . Jyeaaah , title ? my new life ? 
I got new life . SINGLE :)

Aku SINGLE ? Asal ? Tak percaya ? Hoho . That right lha darling .
Aku dah tak ada siapa dah . Kenapa ? Nak masok line ?
Hoho . LAILAI 

Seriously , even aku dah clash dengan dea , i still love him until i got someone that can open my heart to others .
Hm , sudah lha , let the past away . Kengkorang yang ada Boyprengg and Girlprengg tuh ,
 sayang lha  Boyprengg and Girlprengg kengkorang tuhh .
Then , kalau dah clash tuh , terima jea lha hakikat yang kengkorang tak ada jodoh . Kalau ada jodoh , tak kemana kot . Jangan jadik macam kawan aku , sanggop bunoh diri sebab clash .

 Btw , ada borang kosong tak nehh ? Nak isi nehh .  Just joke :)
Hoho . Kboiii .Assalamualaikum :)

| New things